Practice Run

The aim of our this first projection test shoot using a UD740 projector and 650DSLR camera was to assess how dynamic our dye colour footage was and whether or not it was going to be able to hold as a major theme throughout out music video. The other aim was to make sure our equipment was talking to each other I.E  our cameras would be able to record the projector lights as they were projected onto the body. We needed to make sure our equipment was talking to each other. It took us a while to organise the two and we spent a lot of time adjusting the settings. Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.27.53 PM

The HZ setting and the shutter speed were the two elements that we struggled to sync. Finally we got there however our projections where the wrong size. They were too big because the screen setting on the laptop had to be adjusted. We had to be aware later on when we were editing the effects together that they were exported in a quality that could be expanded to be clear against a white wall in a wide shot. We also had to have specific effect sizes for the verses and the chorus.


You can see from the images above that the projector effect just covers Jen and Jono rather than display specific textures of each individual effect. It washed them out completely in a colour rather than each individual projection crawling over the body. This informed us that later on we had to consider how we were setting up the projector (at what distance from the subject) and how small the image of the effect needed to be for both the verse and the chorus. We needed to be really specific about what colours and effects we were using at what time in the song. We also had to start thinking about how the projections where going to look on a white background and how the shadow of the subject was going to effect the whole image. Did we want a shadow there? And if not, how were we going to light her without effecting the velocity of the colour projections. Any extra light on the subject was bound to have an effect on the projections, a negative one.


The dedo was enough light for our set up with the black background. The projector light was enough to light her face and the effects looked really great with little or no extra light set up. This wouldn’t be the case for the white background and green screen set ups. The dedo gave her a nice rim around her head and torso. Also the depth of field meant that we had a totally black background without shooting her on a green screen or a black backdrop that she had to stand super close to.



In this image above, we shot on a white background but the shadow is very obvious and gives a different effect to what we originally discussed/imagined.  The white wall in the studio was a good size but it was filthy, covered with dirty handprints. We used the white curtain for this test instead. The projections were resized but still they had to be slowed down and organised in time with each verse and chorus. This would be a job for the next week or so. The dye effects out of all the effects we experimented were the most dynamic and beautiful. They way they begin and unfold in their natural shape and patterns suited the effect we envisioned more so than the paint or material. The material didn’t provide enough texture it was more of a blanket colour.

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