This is an experiment using parts of the audio from the church that are rough and weren’t supposed to be in the final investigation. I wanted to investigate what the other parts of the audio and footage sound and look like when it isn’t clipped together nicely. Just to see what part of Penelope’s character comes out. And sure enough her more playful character comes out. I copied laid out the audio in the intro to give layers to the voices and the repetition was supposed to achieve a slightly surreal quality. This was more just a play on titles and different audio rather than just the piano playing.
The audio is a little clunky and I probably wouldn’t use the repeated voice as much as I have. This would be a good intro or investigation if I was setting up my project as a documentary into the life of Penelope and her practice and set up of her music, her piano playing. I thought it would be interesting to have the set up and unedited version of who she is before she is represented as a polished performer or artist. I like the feel of the backstage and what a person or performer is like before they perform. As an intro to a documentary project, I like this concept.