Sound Tuning

FullSizeRender-1The sound recording exercise in tutorial today was perfect timing. I was only just thinking before class started that I really needed to get on top of the sound component of my Brief because I want to use original sound. The little zoom microphones are pretty easy to use after the little tour of the machine. The tricky part is getting the volumes right and isolating specific sounds. This was a bit difficult to do on a Uni campus but there were ways to incorporate a few different sounds at once on the exercise sheet. Like water running, door slamming and small room can be done in one trip to the bathroom. Always learning!

It was cool to look at what sounds there are in a single experience. I hadn’t given too much thought to where I was going to locate certain sounds or how I was going to have to record them. It’s now obvious to me how important it is to consider these things before filming because you can’t rely on the camera picking up what you need. I’m glad I learned how to do this in class because I have needed and been using this piece of equipment since for my third brief.

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