The Edward de Bono inspired tutorial today was a great way to discuss and evaluate our self-portrait work as a group. The girls on my table had focused on their every day lives; interests, activities and their Malaysian and Chinese culture existing within Australian Culture. We all agreed we were self-conscious about sharing our raw footage but once we began that left us and we had fun.
The girls suggested that I could have thought more about the order of my photographs. What I hadn’t noticed was I had a clear personal lineage from childhood to my future goals and aspirations that were in no particular order. They also suggested that while one of my audio tracks had nice singing on it, it didn’t necessarily evoke a clear mood or feeling for them.
It’s useful to realise that what may evoke feelings in us doesn’t always do it in the same way for the audience. In the next project brief I will be looking at ways I can develop my self-portrait material into an emotional experience for the viewer. I haven’t had experience with editing before so I am very excited to begin.