“All Media Constructs A Version Of The World.”

In this weeks lecture Morris stated: “All media constructs a version of the world.” I couldn’t help help but relate that idea to my photojournalism elective. Photojournalism uses the medium of photography to portray news. A photojournalist will strive for objectivity, yet the act of…


Here is my haiku:

Class Activity: Haiku

We had to make a little haiku to get the feel of Premiere Pro. Here is a few Haikus I did not use but enjoyed: First autumn morning: the mirror I stare into shows my father’s face. Night; and once again, the while I wait…

Week 2 Workshop: De Bono’s Hats

In this class activity we shared our work for project brief one. We critiqued each others work using De Bono’s thinking hat method. Yellow: for positive/optimisic feedback Red: for initial feelings or gut reactions. Black: something that is not working Green: alternatives and suggestions I…

Media Brief One

Project Brief One: I found the hardest part of this task was the uploading part. I had technical issues, so it took me along time to get everything up and in the right spot. Here are my 6 photos. The first is a quick snap…

On Media, Power, Authority and Disclosure.

Something that got me thinking in Morris’s part of the second lecture was the idea of media being a source of power and control, and that media can be owned and disseminated with purpose. My thoughts (and I do not know that much about this)…

Man with a Movie Camera VS Baraka

Man With a Movie Camera (1929), directed by Dziga Vertov and edited by his wife Elizaveta Svilova, is a silent documentary intended to have no actors and no plot. As discussed in The Edit section of our second lecture, the viewer cannot help but perceive…