Week 12 Class Activity

Our final class of the semester involved brainstorming ideas and eating crisps. Week 12 and late on a Friday, we were all pretty wiped. Rachel gave us some advice on the our bits and bobs of our video rough cut we showed her. Her three…

Are Video Games Art?

In doing some research for our video/audio essay on gaming I came across this Youtube by Nerdwriter1. In this Youtube Nerdwriter unpacks the discussion around whether video games have the merit to be considered art and in doing so makes some interesting comments about media…

Week 11 class activities

In todays class we had some quick feed back about how to progress with our audio essays. Following this, myself and a member of my group went to work on our audio essay in the editing suite (building 9, basement). Some of the feed back…

The Video Essay: Part 2

This blog by Kevin B. Lee introduces video essays on film. Poll: The Best Video Essays of 2015

The Video Essay

In this week (week 10) we discussed what a video essay actually is. What I found interesting about Nick Moore’s video is the amount of creative freedom given to those making a video essay. Coming from many years of structured essays and lab reports I…

Active Audiences part 2

Here is another example of the the active audience of today. My group for PB4 told me about a Youtuber (PewDiePie) who became famous for posting Youtubes of himself playing/reviewing video games. You probably have heard of him, I’m quite out of the loop with…

PB4 notes:

After meeting in class, my group, Skylar, Adrian and I decided to completely change our theme for our assignment. Unable to find a steady ground with the theme of Surveillance/Hacking or Gaming, we decided to go with Artificial Intelligence which we were all interested in….

Who’s Watching Whom?

When I met up with my group to brainstorm for PB4, we started discussing surveillance and how it is so engrained in media technologies. This is a topic of endless interest for me. Some points of interest are how different countries use surveillance, and comparing…


So last week we got placed in our groups for PB4. Adrian, Skylar and I are in a group 🙂 and our theme is Mediums and Media technologies. At first I was kinda disappointed with our theme, but after meeting again this week and brain…

Week 7 class activities

Nicole’s project brief tells the story of her cousin Andy, who has just had a new born baby Stella. I liked the way she depicted his story and family history and how this affected the way he hoped to raise Stella. Nicole focused on the…