Final Reflections

I just had a look back through my blog, to find some key “light bulb” moments for this post, and I came to the realisation that I had indeed both grown and learnt throughout the semester. So what have I learned? One major aspect of…

Noticing Media: part 3

A brief note on noticing media, this hand painted advert for the now game Overwatch, was painted above the Hungry Jacks near RMIT.

Week 12 Class Activity

Our final class of the semester involved brainstorming ideas and eating crisps. Week 12 and late on a Friday, we were all pretty wiped. Rachel gave us some advice on the our bits and bobs of our video rough cut we showed her. Her three…

Are Video Games Art?

In doing some research for our video/audio essay on gaming I came across this Youtube by Nerdwriter1. In this Youtube Nerdwriter unpacks the discussion around whether video games have the merit to be considered art and in doing so makes some interesting comments about media…

Week 11 class activities

In todays class we had some quick feed back about how to progress with our audio essays. Following this, myself and a member of my group went to work on our audio essay in the editing suite (building 9, basement). Some of the feed back…

Stop Motion Animation

‘Stop motion is an animation technique that physically manipulates an object so that it appears to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a…

On Technological Determinism

In Culture and Technology, Murphie and Potts (2002) discuss the theory of technological determinism (TD). Technological determinists purport that technology is the agent of social change and that technology itself shapes society. For example referring to the digital age, or Information era suggests that society…

Medias & Medium Technologies: The Internet

I was going to write a blog about some of the lecture material, but then I looked up the video blogger Nerdwriter1 from the lecture, and got totally captivated by his video essays… Here is the first one I stumbled on…  It gives a very…

ACMI #institutions

On a final brief note about media institutions; ACMI (The Australian Centre for the Moving Image) is on our very door step. This is why I love living in Melbourne. ACMI’s goal is to celebrate, explore and promote the moving image in all it’s forms….

Institutions Class Discussion

Institutions: Qualities and affordances:  Relationship to the government, nation state or power Values: e.g corporate (The Brand) Rules and regulations: Strategies and tactics: