Reflection on the Final Cut of Episode 1 & 2

Watching something back that you made and were a part of is always an odd but great experience. I enjoy it. I’ve worked on a few things and I always love watching them when they are complete. It’s good because you watch a scene and…

Shoot day 1 & 2

Shoot day 1 Lows: A hilarious thing about shooting is that everything you least expect to happen on the day will happen. For example, we had been to “the break room” countless amounts of times over the last 12 weeks, and it’s is always very…


I created this storyboard for one of the scenes in the second episode of Human Resources. It’s a good tool, only, you can’t change the eye line of the figures from what I can tell, which is actually a massive flaw.

When your side rant turns into your blog entry

We shot the remaining scenes for episode 1 and all of episode 2 in two shoot days. The first shoot day involved some scenes at the “break room” and a lot more in the hallway. The second shoot day we were down at the park….

Hearts of Darkness: Case Study

Our studio has been through a lot of trial and tribulation this semester, and it’s no surprise we are feeling a little deflated and uninspired. Even so, we definitely need to keep the energy up to finish this semester. In a meeting with one of…


  Here are some quotes that reflect on the well rounded entity that is conflict, most of the quotes a film related. Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all kinds of things. – David Lynch…