
I missed a day of class, and on that day it was decided that we would scrap our Human Resources project we had been working on with the writers and make our own project. I wasn’t there for the decision making process, but I am assuming our group was feeling quite uninspired by the writer/maker/studio situation. I was asked via messenger what I thought of this and I replied “yeah I’m ok with it.. my fucks are dwindling slightly, but I like the idea of something new.” This sums up my feelings pretty well. I’ve found a lot to be disheartened about, and I’m a very optimistic student. I can’t try and pin point the problem with this studio, because there are a complex number of factors that have not worked in it’s favour. Some are micro, some are meta.

I like the idea of starting something new, but perhaps we should have been offered that from the beginning? At least then we would only have our selves to blame if it sucked. Perhaps we should have worked in small groups with one or two writers, and had the ability to make up unique stories.

So we start something new from scratch? I’m keen. But a few questions come to mind. Who’s in charge of the creative processes? Where will they be accessible? Who makes the final call on creative processes? And when do we begin to shoot? Will we have the same problems we had with the writers, that is, disputes over content, and who should manage what? I’m not sure if we can make this happen in 3 weeks. But Car Wash gives me hope. We made Car Wash in about a day’s worth of work. It worked because our idea was clear and well founded, yet simple, and because we all took the task quite seriously. I reckon we can do the same for our new project. We have good writers on or team, and good actors. And I have also seen some great organizational roles.