PB1 (Exploding Genre)

PB1 reflection exploding genre.

I want to actively watch a diverse array of films and study them in a new light. I want to learn about genres, and learn to appreciate the filmic techniques that express/break the boundaries of a genre, as well as detect what films are saying to an audience. I am also interested in different perspectives on films/genre etc, so it will be good to participate in some class discussion. I want to learn the language of different genres, so I can recreate them and transform them. I would like to learn and consider new things relation to film and genre. As far as choosing a genre, I am interested in genre as a whole rather than one or two particular genres.

I would like to transfer my interest in what I am learning to what I make in the studio. I would like to have a completed piece at the end of the semester that I could use for my portfolio. As well as this I would like to learn as many technical skills as I can. I am very interesting in learning all I can about the techniques of filming, editing and so forth. I would like to finish the studio feeling technically competent, in pre-production, production and post-production. In summary, I want to be fully engrossed and immersed in the content, and learn how to examine films and understand films in new and different ways. Technically I want to learn as much as possible. I hope that when the semester wraps up I feel I have gained a large amount of technical skills in filmic practices.



The film Blade Runner by Ridley Scott falls under the category of Science Fiction. The cornerstone of Sci-Fi is the concept of fantastic worlds. The fantastic elements of a Sci-Fi differ from the genre of Fantasy, as they are based roughly on scientific theory. Science and technology play a major role in Sci-Fi’s because of this. Science Fiction is inspired by imagining the possibilities of both science and technology. A Sci-Fi is usually set in the future. In the futuristic world of Blade Runner we are introduced to an Earth that has been ruined by man-kind. There is usually some kind of space related theme to a Sci-Fi. Although Blade Runner is set on Earth, there is reference to “off-world colonies.” There are usually characters that are aliens or clones in a Sci-Fi. Blade Runner has both. A common theme in the Sci-Fi genre is the idea that humans play god, using technology to create artefacts, or beings, that they then find they are un-able to control. Frankenstein and Her both fall into this category. It is the same with Blade Runner. In Blade Runner, replicants are created for the purpose of manual labour in of-world colonies. The clones, who are built in the image of man are stronger and physically superior to men. They start to fight against their fate of a four year life span, and come to Earth, to meet their maker. Another theme that often occurs in the genre of Sci-Fi is the dystopian/post apocalyptic world, which again has usually occurred due to the downfall of men. In Blade Runner, Earth seems to be crowded, polluted and drained of it’s resources, so much so that men have begun to mine other planets for theirs. Special effects are usually used in Science Fiction as a means of creating a believable fantastic world. Blade Runner uses special effects to this end.