“All Media Constructs A Version Of The World.”

In this weeks lecture Morris stated: “All media constructs a version of the world.” I couldn’t help help but relate that idea to my photojournalism elective. Photojournalism uses the medium of photography to portray news. A photojournalist will strive for objectivity, yet the act of…


Here is my haiku:

Class Activity: Haiku

We had to make a little haiku to get the feel of Premiere Pro. Here is a few Haikus I did not use but enjoyed: First autumn morning: the mirror I stare into shows my father’s face. Night; and once again, the while I wait…

Week 2 Workshop: De Bono’s Hats

In this class activity we shared our work for project brief one. We critiqued each others work using De Bono’s thinking hat method. Yellow: for positive/optimisic feedback Red: for initial feelings or gut reactions. Black: something that is not working Green: alternatives and suggestions I…

Media Brief One

Project Brief One: I found the hardest part of this task was the uploading part. I had technical issues, so it took me along time to get everything up and in the right spot. Here are my 6 photos. The first is a quick snap…

On Media, Power, Authority and Disclosure.

Something that got me thinking in Morris’s part of the second lecture was the idea of media being a source of power and control, and that media can be owned and disseminated with purpose. My thoughts (and I do not know that much about this)…

Man with a Movie Camera VS Baraka

Man With a Movie Camera (1929), directed by Dziga Vertov and edited by his wife Elizaveta Svilova, is a silent documentary intended to have no actors and no plot. As discussed in The Edit section of our second lecture, the viewer cannot help but perceive…

Reads For Week One: Passion Will Bloom

I found Adrian’s piece on blogging useful as I have never blogged before. I liked the way he deconstructed blogging and discussed developing your professional online voice. I disagreed with the Ted Talk about passion. It was argued that one should not waste time looking…

First Impressions

I just finished the first practical session for Media One. The introductory ‘game’ involved each person stating some media works they loved or enjoyed and others they despised. I got a kick out of the vast differences in people’s choices and the passion involved in…

A Short Reflection On Our First Lecture

This slide on different ways of learning really resonated with me. I particularly liked the mention of learning by failure, which is perhaps the hardest, but most insightful way to learn. No one wants to learn from failing, but it is at times inevitable, and…