Project Brief Two

For this assignment I took a small and simple part of my identity, and made it the theme of my self expression. Before embarking on this project, we had discussed in class that identity is vast and complex and perhaps it would be more meaningful to reflect a small part of ones identity. I chose something quite superficial, my love of the colour green, and tried to reflect different parts of my personality through this simple lens. Much of the footage I edited into the film, was created first by filming something, and then by projecting it on to a wall and filming again. In the second filming I added an extra layer of complexity by interacting with the light projected. I did this as a way of expressing the multilayers of my identity. Also the projected images give off a “memory” quality, portraying that I am shaped by my present but also my past.

Editing the film, I attempted to create a change in motion. First I placed a series of photos and in quick succession. I wanted to create a feeling of not grasping every detail, but being left with an overall feeling. Also, I used the quick juxtaposition of images in an attempt to draw meaning between them. On top of this I added abrasive and high pitched playing of the piano to further the feeling of movement.

The “second part” of the video, very much felt by change in music, and the slower, longer scenes was edited to create a certain abstract and and ambiguous feeling in the viewer. I was going for themes of memory, lonesomeness and a juxtaposition between materiality and nature.

I think the least successful parts of my piece include the usage of text, which I felt I could have done more with. Also there are some technical issues which I would have liked to fix. Also I feel my piece is very intuitive and abstract, maybe not a very solid representation of myself.

I feel the more successful aspects of my piece include the music, which, although I do not play any instruments, has managed to express something. I also like the overlay of images, which create a sense of identity and movement.