Media Brief One

Project Brief One:

I found the hardest part of this task was the uploading part. I had technical issues, so it took me along time to get everything up and in the right spot.

Here are my 6 photos.

The first is a quick snap of my household eating dinner together. We often make meals and eat together. My household is quite unique and is a big part of my life right now and my identity.


The second is a selection of books from my book shelf. I took this photo to reflect my my interests and love of books.


I love gardening and growing things, especially things you can eat. I grew up very close to nature so I think that’s why I like gardening. It is the act of being close to nature, even for just a small part of the day.


This is a photo of my the window sill in my room. A room is a very personal place and a good reflection of a person’s character.  The little bits and pieces in this photo reflect aspects of me. I took this photo with a long exposure and moved the car along the sill. This represents my imagination.IMG_5131

Omg shoes! I think shoes are an excellent representation of a person. Do you ever look a stranger up and down and decide their character when you get to the shoes?

Anyway these shoes have been all over the world with me. When I look at them I feel like they carry the countries they have been to still, in the mould of the leather.


Greece, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, America, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Morocco.

I got really obsessed with this jewellery maker who found dead insects and sealed them in resin, sometimes with little cogs from the parts of clocks. This is one of her necklaces that hangs on a lamp in my room. Leaning towards a more abstract representation of myself, this photo reflects my emotional side.



Jam sessions seem to be an ever constant part of my life as the music room is next to my bedroom.

The sound of the record player: I love records because they sound beautiful, but also they compel us to listen to an album as it was made. Also records are a carefully chosen selection, you cannot just put on anything, like you can with the internet. In this day and age (ha) when music is so easily assessable, I think it is important to listen to albums ceremoniously, as they were intended.

And finally one of my videos:

It is a combination of my most loved music and my most loved film. I like this vid because it looks like I am watching the film.