On Media, Power, Authority and Disclosure.

Something that got me thinking in Morris’s part of the second lecture was the idea of media being a source of power and control, and that media can be owned and disseminated with purpose. My thoughts (and I do not know that much about this) led me to Rupert Murdoch and how his enterprises control so much of the media. Due to his ownership of most of the (Western) world’s media outlets, (correct me if i’m wrong) he has the power to let some stories shine through, while leaving others in the dark. This means that his media, what is concealed and what is revealed, ‘constructs a version of the world’ (Morris, Lecture 2).

Alternatively, the power of media, to disclose information can be used in a subversive way. Whistleblowers use media as their tool for revealing information to the public that the govt. etc has attempted to keep secret. Therefore, the information provided challenges the a certain construction of the world. 


Edward Snowden