Final thoughts

I have no doubt that what I have learnt about the process of screenwriting in this studio will stay with me, and I will utilise it. I have learnt how to further narrative and plot and build world and character through audiovisual techniques. These skills…

Index post

Preparation and such Feedback on Presentation

Feedback on Presentation

Thinking over the presentation I must admit, I found it a little difficult trying to figure out which way I should approach the three minute presentation that we were to give to our class and a panel of three experienced screenwriters and academics. We were…

Preparation and such

Final Project  My aim for the final project is to redevelop a fairly rough first draft of a short screenplay I wrote over the summer. I wrote this screenplay before undergoing any formal training in screenwriting. Looking back at it now, I see two things….

Treatment of The Cup

The cup is on the ground, looking dejected. It is shadowed by two bins. We see it has been tossed carelessly, and sits awaiting it’s final destination. People walk past it, but we stay tight with the cup. All we know about the people is…

Influential Texts: Q3

Assignment Q3 The readings presented in this class have sort of built on each other to further my understanding of the screenplay. It’s kinda like … you have to know the rules before you break them. You have to know the craft and understand the…

Write and Reflect: Q2

Assignment Q2 We have been asked to upload a piece of writing and reflect on it. The prompt asks us to reflect on something we have written in class. Instead I thought it could be interesting to have a look at a couple segments of…

A Form of Cinema: Q1

Assignment Q1 The first prompt we have been given for our assignment in Picture This! (a screenwriting studio) has directed us towards a quote, asking us to discuss it relation to the concept of audiovisual storytelling. I have provided an extended version of the provided…

Show, Don’t Tell

Picture This! Show, Don’t Tell  In week one and two of Picture This, we have begun to explore screen writing through the important lens of audiovisual storytelling. In other words: how to communicate a story by showing, rather than telling. Writers have been banging on about…

Reflection on the Final Cut of Episode 1 & 2

Watching something back that you made and were a part of is always an odd but great experience. I enjoy it. I’ve worked on a few things and I always love watching them when they are complete. It’s good because you watch a scene and…