Evan Bryce Riddle


Parent, or stalker?

Debates over the best parenting techniques, what works and what doesn’t, and where the line on over-protective is drawn, are never-ending. While I respect everyone’s individual opinion, I believe the release of the app MamaBear has gone too far. It is bordering on stalker qualities with its GPS feature, and I find it to be obsessive. I understand that parents worry…

From Vine to Vine

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, a star has already been born. A Vine star that is. A subsidiary of Twitter, Vine, acts as a short-form video platform for its roughly 40 million users. The 6-7 second film sharing product was founded in June 2012 and it was acquired by the microblogging website Twitter in October 2012.…

HTMLet’s see what the other’s think

There has been so much talk about the HTML exam, it’s frightening capabilities, unquestionable benefits and the stressful necessity for perfect detail. I know how I was feeling about it: a little worried, but mostly excited to develop the new skill. There were mixed feelings towards it, so why not have a look at what my colleagues thought about it. Michael…

Now fetch your stylus and write this down

Everyday I’d look down at my watch and study the second hand intently, waiting for it to hit 3.30 when the final school bell rang. This meant freedom. This meant a stop at the Milk Bar for an ice cream (usually a Bubble-o-Bill or PaddlePop). It meant not having information forced down by throat. In primary (or elementary) school, from…


In last week’s Networked Media class, I was taught the basics of HTML and coding. I had always wanted to experience this side of the technological universe. It is after all, the foundations of pages on the Internet. It has certainly been in my perspective, one of the best learning experiences, in terms of broadening skills and opening future possibilities.…

Picture that #2

Once upon a time, before I was offset by multiple nasty injuries, I was actually a half decent soccer player.

I took this one 37000 feet in the air en route to the Australian national championships in Townsville, northern Queensland.
Townsville clouds

Explorers, not readers.

I pick up a book. My eyes scan the page, beginning with the left side and moving to the right. Then I move my visual focus one line below and repeat. Left, right, down, repeat. What am I doing? I am reading, probably a book, or perhaps a smaller type of text; a magazine, newspaper, or instruction manual. That is…

What’s all the Hype about?

After having a look through George Landow’s words on Hypertext, I was left feeling a little overwhelmed with all the information to intake. Not in the sense that it was convoluted and uninterpretable, but more so that there were so many discussion pathways I could take from it. Here’s one. What is Hypertext anyway? The first time I heard the word…

Who and what can we trust?

In the week 4 Networked Media symposium/lecture/spectacle, we discussed what to deem as valid, credible and trustworthy when it comes to the internet. There is no rulebook or authority that deems exactly what is considered safe or dangerous, accurate or misleading, in terms of online content. The only effective analyser is us, and  decisions are formed by our knowledge and experience.…

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