Evan Bryce Riddle


Power Packed

This week’s Networked Media course reading by Duncan Watts was an interesting one at that. Why do I care for how the power system works in the USA. Generators are all over the place, and numerous power cables connect from the generators to countless places all over the country. Intriguing, right? Yeah, not really. For the majority of the population, how…

Private Matters

Public transport is boring. Nobody talks to anyone anymore. The only communication we do is through our smartphones.  Hypothetically, A man is on the train, on the phone to his wife. He says “I’m down at the beachhouse for a few days”. The woman next to him then blurted out “No he’s not! He’s on the train from the city!”.…

Apple Bytes

Only a couple days ago did the super-geeks of the world yet again experience their euphoria as the Apple iPhone 6 was released. Fans had been queueing outside NYC’s apple store since the beginning of September, when a new iPhone release was only at the rumour stage. A couple from Mississippi, Jason and Moon Ray, paid $2500 to skip ahead…

Adrian Vs Betty, Round 6

I’ve decided calling the Networked Media ‘lecture’ a symposium could take a twist this week. Introducing the lengthy intellectual boxing match between the course tutors! It seems like they’re always disagreeing, which at least provides me with some entertainment after a long day at Uni. Actually, today Betty clapped at what Adrian said – hooray! They are finally getting along. One…

Movies Are For Kids

Historically, both cinema and television have encompassed a broad range of genres. The revolutionary early cinematic spectacles of George Melies, such as the 1902 A Trip to the Moon, possess mystery and effects intriguing to both adults and children. Even during the 1950s, when television was the primary medium for moulding public opinion, material was directed towards a large spectrum of…

Picture That #4


This picture was taken mid 2013, during my travels around the globe. Although the quality isn’t the best as it was taken on an iPhone, the costumes and composition in my opinion are amazing. The streetlight gives off a cool effect and adds to the awesome visual composition of our Batman crew picture!

Left to right: Bane, Joker, Harvey Dent (Twoface), Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Penguin.

Batman crew

My Amigos’ Thoughts

I’ve been scouring through my colleagues’ blogs, and admittedly some of the material I’ve found is amazing. Let’s take Mia’s post about 3D printing as a first example. She explores the debate on whether technology advances due to, or independent of society and culture. Her analysis of how a simple Nike runner is now produced as an artificial model constructed…

Jigsaw Writing

            After reading David Shield’s unconventional extract, I was dumbstruck. I was unsure of what is actually was, how to read it, and it was making no sense to me. It didn’t take long for me to catch on however, as his contrast to conventional writing forms soon intrigued me. The information Shield conveys within his…

Technology, Art and Culture

In yesterday’s Networked Media discussion, debate arose over the relationship between technology, and art and culture. Is one dependant upon the other for survival? Or are the two mutually exclusive? To explore this question we must first realise what is actually meant by technology, art and culture. As broad as they each are, I’ll try to make it as succinct…

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