Evan Bryce Riddle


Media 6: Research Project (ongoing) Bibliography

References and annotated bibliography


Tremayne, M. (2007). ‘Harnessing the Active Audience: Synthesizing Blog Research and Lessons for the Future of Media’ in Blogging, citizenship, and the future of media. London: Routledge. Pp. 261

Tremayne wrote this book in 2007, therefore much of it is quite outdated now. At this time, pre-existing content was moving online, but it was “the new content that fuels the explosion” (261). Despite its published date, it still provides relevant information in the areas of blogging, journalism, and traditional vs new media, in the sense of media evolution, comparison, and hindsight.  Rather than asserting his own opinion, the author takes a step back and presents a range of professional views, research and quotes. These revolve around topics such as “participatory journalism’, mainstream media dissatisfaction as motivation for blog use, and common blog types, all falling under the ‘Changing face of journalism’. The chapter provokes thought and debate on; past vs present journalism, personalisation of created and received news and information, and makes the reader consider the changes and impact that has occurred in the recent decade. For example – will the success and commercialisation of entities such as blogs destroy the unique atmosphere they currently enjoy? This would be an interesting discussion to have almost 10 years prior to the question being asked, considering sites such as BuzzFeed. Similarly, questions are raised on the blogosphere’s effect on news and politics, and on traditional media changes (ref pg. 267).


Young, R 2013, ‘Remembering Bogle Chandler: an exploration of new media’s storytelling potential’, Digital Creativity, pp. 1-16. [online] Available at: http://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/view/rmit:22034 [Accessed 1 Aug. 2016].

In this exploration, Young(2013) looks at digital narratives and their ability to deliver a message in a different way than legacy media, referencing specifically his transmedia, digital narrative project, Remembering Bogle Chandler. The project itself incorporates 104 movie clips, photos, line drawings, text, animation and sound from the project’s digital library to describe the murder mystery of Gilbert Bogle and Margaret Chandler in Sydney on New Year’s Day 1963. Before discussing the Bogle Chandler case, Young analyses and compares the theoretical work of Manovich (2001), Murray (2011) and Ryan (2004), discussing aspects such as technological determinism, transcoding, and the unique affordances of digital media. His project, created using Flash and Photoshop, which allowed for a large, diverse, online audience, is an example of transmedia storytelling, which “tells an old story in a new way”. Young discusses the theoretical properties of digital narrative (including numerical/multichannel, modular, variable/volatile, procedural/automated, transcoded, and participatory/interactive) from the aforementioned references, and connects them to his project. Visual examples are provided throughout the piece that allow the reader to more easily visualise the story and digital context. This text is an excellent example of transmedia storytelling, audience interaction, and digital media.


Singh, Sarwant 2012, New Mega Trends : Implications for our Future Lives, e-book, accessed 01 August 2016, <http://RMIT.eblib.com.au/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=1069749>.

Chapter 9 – connectivity and convergence

This reading (albeit only chapter 9 – I view other chapters as beneficial future research too) is an excellent resource for anything ‘future-tech’ related. The author has an optimistic view on the almost-certain future trends he discusses. Those including artificial intelligence, the digitised interactive home, convergence, simplified collaboration through technology, augmented reality and hyper-personalised advertising with new media among others.  He discusses the future ‘mega-platforms’ (Facebook, Google and Apple – with microsoft as well as delving into the connected car – ‘the third-most connected device after the mobile phone and the tablet PC in the future”. These technologies and predictions, such as the car also as a mechanism per personalised content consumption, and augmented reality’s “radical impact on personal life” have the ability to change the way in which stories and fiction are conveyed and consumed, For example, his discussion on the “seamless blending of real-life surroundings and digital data”, in turn, allows for narratives to be told in new ways, environments and times. Likewise the virtual world, which could allow a 3D experience of a field trip to different countries…” or a “virtual world for military training”- again changing the way stories and reality are conveyed. This reading serves as a great base knowledge on future technologies, which can be adapted to a particular related idea / research topic, such as storytelling or altering the ‘real world’



How Motorola Made Modular Smartphones A Reality. (2016). www.wired.com. [online] Available at: https://www.wired.com/video/how-motorola-made-modular-smartphones-a-reality

A Wired video that introduces the latest mobile phone technology – the ‘modular’ phone. Essentially, it’s the basic smartphone we know, reinvented to give the user flexibility to add or even develop external parts to attach to the phone, while still being the basic smartphone size, to enhance its function. A projector unit or a battery pack, for example. This is one of the many new technologies constantly being reinvented that will impact the way we consume media. It allows for an almost all-in-one device. Will this be the next step in the mobile phone world? It has the potential, with its mods only limited to developers creativity, to rival most current content delivery platforms. It could pave the way for the phone to become (more-so) the hub of digital. This is a non-academic reference, but it provides a great insight into the possibility of the future real-world technologies and in turn, how the landscape for storytelling is constantly evolving.


Yahaya, W.A.W. 2014, “New Media and Digital Storytelling: Mobile Stories”, IACSIT Press, Singapore, pp. 30. [Online] Available at: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/docview/1556322406?accountid=13552&rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo

This summary is taken from the paper’s abstract: This paper addresses the manner in which storytelling and narratives through mediums and medias such as the smart-phone and tablet have evolved and influenced the younger generation. I don’t believe that this paper brought much new information to the table based on what we are looking for, however it does provides relevant passages that could help in representing thoughts or ideas that are difficult to articulate incorporated in a more contextual sense. Its focus on mostly children is too large considering our direction, and at points lacked succinctness. It does however possess well thought-out ideas that we could be adapted upon.


  • With new media, modes of storytelling have evolved to a point in which not only is it digital but mobile as well
  • the argument within this paper is how do social and cultural stories remain relevant to present day society
  • with superior forms of mobile technology, the phenomenon is steadily growing with little chance of slowing down or turning back. (phenomenon of increasing online trends n stuff)
  • Taking into consideration the pace of information access, the idea that any form of storytelling will cease to exist is unfathomable.
  • The pace of information access changes the manner in which traditional oral stories are told leading into the notion of digital storytelling via a mobile medium. Mobile within the context of this discussion is two-fold in the sense that not only is it agile and in-motion, but also functions as a tool to tell these stories.
  • The fast paced and mobile lifestyle demands a change of not only pace but ease of accessibility to immense amount of information at any given time.
  • 60.7% of the total population of 17 million online Malaysians out of a population of 27 million people.
  • Digitally animated folktales in turn pave the way for these new forms of stories to be easily shared and accessed. As a result, the amount of stories that cater to this new digital form becomes infinite.
  • he ability for digital stories to be retained in virtual forms allows for an unlimited database of tales that can be shared across various cultures and societies.



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