I found the homework activity: “make the bed” very interesting to film and edit. I think it was a great exercise to get me thinking about camera operation and shot construction. I was quite happy with my final product, as I think all of the different shots blended together quite seamlessly. However, in the future I would love to be able to include some more interesting shots or camera angles, as, although I was quite happy with my final product, I think it could have been a bit more exciting. Throughout editing this homework task I came to the realization that the content matter of a scene can be far less important than the editing and shots. This had never really occurred to me before, but I began to think about how thought provoking or moving any scene can become if it is shot with purpose and thoughtfulness. In the future I think it’s important that I am more considerate with my planning of each shot, (even for smaller homework tasks) as I think it is great practice for the future. I was quite happy to notice whilst editing this, that premiere pro has become far less confusing and daunting to use than it was initially. Editing this scene was the first time I stopped to notice how much progress I had made with my technical abilities on premiere pro. It was a rewarding and gratifying feeling to not have to dread opening up premiere pro. Now that I feel more comfortable with the basics of editing, I hope the next step for me is to learn more complicated tasks such as colour grading. In the future I will also endeavour to think more carefully about each shot and why I’m choosing to include this shot, as I believe this will lead to creating more interesting and thought provoking media.
note: I have embedded the video clip, but sometimes it has trouble loading, if that’s the case the link is here