- Throughout this Media 3 studio, Deliberate Film, I hope to learn how to incorporate my own taste and aesthetic into my media practice, while also improving on basic skills involved in editing and camera operating. The studio prompt mentions that the projects throughout this studio will be “inspired by prompts, and guided by constraints” which peaked my interest, as I feel I will greatly benefit from a more structured style of learning. At this point in my media practice, a structured style of learning is what I need as I don’t yet have the confidence to choose what I need to create in order to grow my abilities as a media practitioner. I hope this course will lead to me becoming a more well-rounded and able filmmaker, with skills in many different areas of film making. I am also hoping to learn more about different styles of editing and how to recognise them in different mediums, as I feel this will greatly improve my ability to be a conscious media consumer. An area which I particularly hope to improve on is my ability to operate technical equipment such as cameras, tripods and lights, effectively – this has been a struggle for me since I first begun this Media degree, and this semester I would love to finally bring my abilities up to the standard of the rest of the cohort. Another outcome I would love to achieve, would be more of a confidence and certainty with my own style as a filmmaker. In a practical sense I can achieve that confidence by volunteering myself as director more often in small group projects, to gradually build conviction with my creative decisions.