Richie Rich

Filed under: Networked Media — erincollins at 10:47 pm on Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One of this weeks readings was by Albert-László Barabási, and it explored the connections between different networks within society.

The world wide web began with one page. One page that triggered the internet that we use today. This complex jungle of information, social media and online shopping was slowly collaborated by millions of people over time. It is fascinating to imagine the process of exponential uploads and site creations that eventually lead to what I’m using right now.

This is compared to the development of Hollywood and how initially, an exclusive group of silent movie actors and producers grew to modern day Hollywood, with the introduction of motion pictures perhaps making the biggest splash. The growth of this industry is somewhat similar to this insane boom, where anything is now possible, with the american screen actors guild now having over 44,000 members!
To read more..

Though all this talk of money just reminds me of Richie Rich. Which I may have to revisit this afternoon.

He’d bribe someone.

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