My Media 1 Blog

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Week 8 work shop exercise

For our up coming assignment we are required to produce an annotated bibliography. So to help us in finding academic articles we were given an exercise to get us familiar with the library resources. The task was to: Find some starting… Continue Reading →

The 25th of April

The 25th of April marks a very important day for both Australia and New Zealand; ANZAC Day. It is a day to pay our respects to all those who served our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so that… Continue Reading →

Fundamentals of Film Sound

Sound can be broken down into two categories; diegetic and non diegetic sound. Diegetic sound can be defined as sound which occurs within the world of the film and therefore is heard by the characters. The source of the dietetic… Continue Reading →

Colour Correction

One thing I struggled with a lot when working in Final Cut Pro was colour correction. I was making a promotional video and one of the DSLR cameras was on the wrong white balance settings which made everything that was… Continue Reading →

Filmmaking Tutorial: 180 Degree Rule and Other Shot Sequence Tips

Last week in Cinema Studies we looked at editing and filming techniques. One of the things we talked about was the 180 degree rule. Also known as the axes of action, this rule can be linked to continuity editing. This… Continue Reading →

Capturing the moment

One thing I really love about photography is show you can capture a moment in time and keep it forever. Within a photo you can see and feel the emotion that occurred at the time that photo was taken. Whether… Continue Reading →


Black: Lower the music level slightly when the interviewee is talking Adjust the lighting slightly so you still have the same mood which is created but have less shadows falling on his face and chest Focus a little more on… Continue Reading →

Peer Review – Interview with Wendy Milne

Green hat Maybe a different background for the interview (a location with more significance to the interviewee) To make the cuts in the audio less obvious record a atmosphere/background track Maybe add in some music to help create that mood… Continue Reading →

Peer Review – Born to Dance

Yellow hat Really liked the found footage. Worked very well. Good structure I really liked the shots of her artwork in her room and of her painting. I also really liked the very all mood of the video. I liked… Continue Reading →

Project 3 Peer review – Jordyn

Red Hat It felt very natural Easy to follow and be engaged with Very open interview Sense that the interviewee has gone through some hard times Makes you feel like you want to know more about her and her life… Continue Reading →

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