I think it is safe to say that at this point most people are feeling a little lost, confused or even a little stressed about this project. This is our first group assignment and I think we are all still finding our… Continue Reading →
What does copyright do? Exclusive rights to work Original works Subject matter other than works Creator/author id first owner Exceptions … Continue Reading →
A suggested by the title, this reading was all about audience. But more specifically it was about a shift in the audience. This article claims that people now long want to sit passively and watch TV, or drive along with… Continue Reading →
When considering what he media does it us, it is impossible for me not to think of VCE 3/4 Media Studies. We looked a numerous different case studies, theories, models and examples of how the media effects its audiences. But… Continue Reading →
This reading began by reflecting on the “variety of meanings” of the word audience and how the term changed over time. In the C14, audience simply referred to the “action of hearing.” However, this term soon began to be used in… Continue Reading →
This article provides a variety of different perspectives regarding the developing media technologies around the world. Additionally, the article addresses moral and ethical issues regarding the media and public opinion. The article suggests that with the new media technologies available… Continue Reading →
This article explores the criticisms of the media in their new coverage in the months leading up the Iraq War. It has been argued by academics, journalists, and other members of society that the media was biased towards the Bush… Continue Reading →
It was a few weeks ago now in our Media 1 lecture that we talked about noticing and I have decided to come back to it again now. So from leaving my home to arriving at uni I tried to… Continue Reading →
For our up coming assignment we are required to produce an annotated bibliography. So to help us in finding academic articles we were given an exercise to get us familiar with the library resources. The task was to: Find some starting… Continue Reading →
The 25th of April marks a very important day for both Australia and New Zealand; ANZAC Day. It is a day to pay our respects to all those who served our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so that… Continue Reading →
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