“The old TV is dying. I want to decide for myself what I produce and it is up to the viewers to judge me.”

This was probably the most interesting part about this article. This notion of television “dying.” With social media and the Web 2.0, it is going to be difficult for broadcasters to maintain their audience. Although they may have the support of the older generations, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage with younger viewers. This is because this demographic are not turning to the television or news papers for find information, they will google or check a social networking site instead.

While conducting some research for my project four task with in due in a few weeks, I found an interesting paper written by a student about how Twitter. The article believes that the site is more of a new media site. The paper, What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?  intends to distinguish Twitter from other social networking sites and its usefulness in sharing and spreading information. The first example used was the USA airways jet that crashed into the Hudson River. Before the media had even heard of the incident, a photo of the crush appeared on Twitter. Additionally, the author points out how Twitter enables users to spread information by simply “reTweeting” it. Another feature of Twitter is the “trending topics” feature. This allows users to see what is popular at any given moment, and when huge events like the Paris Terror Attacks, information regarding the event is easily accessible for users.Therefore it is becoming very difficult for broadcasters to engage with younger viewer when they are gathering their information through different mediums.

Referring back to the quote from the article, “I want to decide for myself what I produce and it is up to the viewers to judge me.” In the context of the article, the author speaks of a program titles ‘Upload TV’ and the struggles of young people finding employment. However the author continues on to talk about how media makers have great difficulty in getting their work aired on TV. An eighteen year old student “Fitness Jerome” was unsuccessful in getting his work broadcasted on television and as a result called for “independence and creative autonomy launching broadcasters.” Due to being denied public broadcasting of his work, the only way for audiences to viewer it was to look only. Once again, the internet and sites like YouTube and Vimeo are allowing amateur filmmakers to share their work. “Fitness Jerome” made numerous statements such as “We no longer trust the professional” and “Internet makers need to take over TV.”

This again links back to this idea that TV is “dying” and cannot compete with the internet as it empowers audiences. It provides an easy way for people to share videos, photos and audio clips with people around the world through site such as Flickr, Sound Cloud, YouTube and Vimeo. As a result, many people believe that the traditional forms of media technology and news broadcasting in particular will encounter great difficulty in the future.