Achieving Goals

On day 1 of this course, I wrote out 10 goals including things I wanted to learn or achieve over a range of different timelines, so I thought the end of Media 1 would be a good time to check back in and see how much progress I’ve made…

1. The standout qualities employers are looking for in the field of media

This semester we haven’t really talked about what employers are looking for, but I have realised the rigour of work that is expected, and gained a better understanding of requirements for project briefs. I think both of these things will be helpful in the future.

2. The best way (for me personally) to spark ideas that develop into creative approaches to project briefs

I did struggle with this at the beginning of the semester but I found that the two things that worked best for me were a) creating a brainstorm, writing down anything and everything that popped into my mind and b) getting out there and starting to create something, because this always sparked new ideas.

3. Working well in groups

I have had the chance to work in a number of groups in my different classes this semester. Though there were some challenges, I was able to practice resolving them. I also had one great group experience working on brief 4 for media, and this taught me how collaborating with others can help you create something so much better than you could have created alone.

4. Communicating effectively with classmates and lecturers/tutors

I think I have done quite well with this over the semester, and I will continue to work on my communication skills as I progress through my degree.

5. Effectively getting ideas onto paper/developed into a final product

There were times when this was more challenging than others. Again, I found that the best way to create something was just to get something down on paper (or on screen) because it’s easier to make decisions when you have something in front of you rather than just a blank screen.

6. Create a network to open up job prospects

I haven’t really had a chance to work on this much, so I’ll have to revisit it next semester. I have, however, met some wonderfully talented people in my media class, and I think that’s an important step in networking.

7. Understand the context of classroom learning and how this can be applied to jobs internationally

Again, this is something I haven’t given too much thought to because it’s still early days in my degree, but it’s something to keep in mind going forward.

8. How to effectively utilise technology to work on varied media project briefs

I think even from one project brief to the next, my editing skills definitely improved. I also got to film with a proper video camera and sound recorder for the first time, so that was an important step in developing my technical skills.

9. Figure out my postgraduate/career pathway

I have been thinking a lot about this over the course of the semester and I think that after I complete my degree, I would like to continue into a Masters of Marketing. Of course, this could still change between now and the end of my degree…

10. Gain practical experience working with a range of media platforms

I have started to gain experience working with basic software and some new technology, but I am looking forward to working with more high tech programs in the future and experimenting with the available features.

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