Archive of ‘IDEAS AND DEVELOPMENT’ category

3. Scene Development – Music

Although I unfortunately was unable to attend the class to shoot my idea of the running scene, I was pleased with the outcome my group was able to create. While the clip lacked dialogue or any backstory or context, It was a great start.

In order to progress on my idea, I can reflect on this video and now see where I could possibly want to take it. For me, I really do love the idea of having the first character being chased in an intense and dramatic way, all for it to be for nothing as the ‘chaser’ only intended to give the ‘runner’ their wallet back…or something along those lines.

This means the video will end comedically.

In terms of music, I believe a great chase NEEDS to include an even greater dramatic soundtrack. I have attached one which I think would be fitting below.

scene development 2.

Upon getting into groups to develop ideas for our shoot, based on our scene ideas, we brainstormed more concepts. We decided to take bits from each of our idea developments.

For instance, I was fascinated in my last post about following the concept of a chase. Whether it be comedic or serious, I wasn’t fussed. However, one of my members in my group is really interested in Sci-Fi and so we decided to draw from that.

We found a location which really sparked all of our interest, and that is the white staircase in Building 12 right next to RMIT connect. It reminded us of the scene of Inception of the ‘paradox’, a never ending stairwell. Hence our story could follow someone being chased in the paradox where it never ends and the chase seems to go on forever.

I am excited to try something new and work with a more sci-fi concept as it is quite fascinating. Reflecting back off the ideas of the group, I am glad we are able to incorporate concepts we are all interested in, in order to create a project we are all happy with.

Here is a link to the scene which I am talking about.

scene concept.

This being my first year as a media student, I have not yet experimented with much film-making, hence, I am open to exploring many ideas, whether it be exciting or more ordinary. Initially, I was inspired by using the locations which I am surrounded with and setting my scene within those. Living in Carlton, I have access to many locations which can inspire quite different moods and tones to a story.

Carlton gardens

  • warm & sunny
  • lots of green
  • park benches

Provokes these sounds:

  • birds chirping
  • crunching of leaves
  • sounds of traffic in the background

City streets

  • A more quiet street
  • A few cars and trams pass by
  • cold and windy (grey)
  • people walking by

Provokes these sounds:

  • trams/car noises
  • footsteps
  • sound of wind
  • birds flying by
  • soft murmurs of the people

I am not entirely sure of what these locations/sounds may inspire at this point. However I want there to be a sense of drama as I really want to include on of those dramatic chase scenes. Hence having two characters; the runner and the chaser. However there could be a plot twist and turns out the person is only chasing them down because they dropped their wallet or something.

Here is a funny example of what I was also inspired by:

Other actions could be:

  • Clutching onto a coat as they shield themselves from the wind
  • Stopping to check the time on their watch
  • Sitting on a park bench and people watching
  • Reading a book in the park
  • Texting on their phone with their earphones in as they walk down the street
  • Bumping into someone accidentally