Just Go

I’ve noticed a difference between the way in which my parents choose a place to visit, and the way in which I do. While my parents might say “let’s drive to Healesville and have a look around”, I would say “I heard there’s a new cafe that’s meant to be really good in Healesville, we should go”.

I find it very hard to go somewhere new, or in fact just ‘go’, without first researching that somewhere online. If I have to be somewhere for a job interview, I will find out where the good cafes are nearby before I leave. If I have a spare Sunday afternoon, I will check Broadsheet before I decide to leave the house. My parents, on the other hand, will happily just get in the car and drive until they see a cafe that ‘looks alright’. They still aren’t quite used to having hundreds of reviews at the fingertips, and so they don’t rely on the internet to pick a destination.

I wonder if we are too pre-occupied with what we find online about a place. I have a romantic idea of driving off with a tent in my boot and just following the road north like my parents did 30 years ago. But I don’t think I’d be able to. I’d feel unsafe and unsure. My terrible sense of direction would get me lost and I would panic. I’d probably spend half my time wondering if something better was nearby.

The way we view places, and Places, has changed in the last 30 years. Probably for the better overall, but I think I will always hold on that vision of just being able to explore without the need to check urbanspoon first.

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