WEEK FOUR CLASS. We have a change of tutor. Welcome back, Brian! I’m gonna miss good old Adrian, but Brian is super nice. This tute, we talked …
WEEK FOUR CLASS. We have a change of tutor. Welcome back, Brian! I’m gonna miss good old Adrian, but Brian is super nice. This tute, we talked …
This week’s class was a rainbow of emotion. Firstly, I broke ma jumper. My new jumper. My new favourite jumper. Walking to find a seat, thread …
Tuesday’s class involved giving feedback about the lecture. What we thought it did well, what we thought it did poorly, how we thought it could …
Tuesday’s class was certainly an experience. I was slightly freaked out by the ninja camera that took and uploaded a photo of me so that …
adrian miles networked media readings tired design fiction bring back the shirt learnding unlecture networks what if thinking knowledge producers long ideas classes lev manovich stressed youtube vid filmmaking future dance hypertext funny essay soz personal confusing learning metaphors neighbours revolutionary disruptive possums sponges cheerio hipsters & artists & foreigners & homeless people tetris skilz moving theories of action words Chris Argyris boats fabulous shirt magnificent shoes
adrian miles networked media readings tired design fiction bring back the shirt learnding unlecture networks what if thinking knowledge producers long ideas classes lev manovich stressed youtube vid filmmaking future dance hypertext funny essay soz personal confusing learning metaphors neighbours revolutionary disruptive possums sponges cheerio hipsters & artists & foreigners & homeless people tetris skilz moving theories of action words Chris Argyris boats fabulous shirt magnificent shoes
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