© 2014 ellathompson


Task: Make a six to ten second clip that describes either air, sky, water, or earth, from the point of view of a plant. In each clip you should only show the parts of things, not wholes.



  • Concept of pretend rainforest – a little fern getting the aftermath of the rain (getting dripped on from the towering palm above it).
  • Dripping of water down from tree’s leaves to camera – really cool depth-wise.
  • Green tint – helps suggest this rainforest environment.
  • Low, slightly canted angle and cut-off framing of shot. Visually interesting.
  • You can sort of hear sound of water dripping.



  • The side-effects of the green tint. The black spots up where the tree trunk is darkest. The far, far less noticeable water drops falling from the tree. That one makes me particularly sad :(
  • Not that rainforest-like. You can see too much sky. But I suppose it’s just an impression.
  • (Doubt that’s the typical rainforest palm tree…)
  • Ambient car and street sounds. Not so rainforesty.
  • My video is kind of unclear in regards to fulfilling the brief. This is because the video shows a plant from the POV of another plant. And it’s quite unclear that we’re looking up at the tree from the POV of a fern. I like the idea though. It’s just unclear.
  • I’m not sure I fulfilled the part about only showing the parts of things in the video. I overlooked this because, in the instructions, it was on a separate dot point and I thought it was another video task. But the video doesn’t show the whole palm tree. The strange framing slices off the top of the palm tree. And we see the top of a different palm tree in the bottom left corner. Except the framing still shows a lot of the main palm tree. So I’m not sure I did a great job of fulfilling this part of the brief.


Overall: Good and bad. Good idea. Interesting perspective. Cool impression. Not great execution. Overlooking of parts of brief. Technical issues. Unclear perspective. Etc.

Plant POV Water from Ella Thompson on Vimeo.

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