© 2014 ellathompson


An early vid. I think this was from the first week of sketch tasks. Something ’round’.



  • The structure. I like how it begins still. And ends still. With the same shot. But the middle is fast-paced action and fast cuts and camera movement and prop movement and spinniiiinngggggg and so on. Something sort of happens and something goes somewhere in this video. And then it’s all over and back to the start in the blink of an eye. It’s fun to watch. In fact, the video comes full circle –  eh? Eh? See what I did there? ;)
  • The start shot where all is still. It’s a still moment. It’s kinda cool. The calm before the storm. I also like the end shot in this sense. It all just comes to a stop. Very quickly and all at once. And everything is still again.
  • I like the cuts. The pace in the middle of the vid. This pace is created both by the quicks cuts and the frantic movement of the spinning globe.



  • Lighting isn’t great. It’s a bit too bright, maybe. I mean, I like the shape of the lighting for the first/last shot but it’s just a little too bright.
  • Some messiness in the shots – object(s) in background (like the blue sleeping bag).
  • Lack of sound. I would have loved to have had the spin sound, except it was really hard to edit that sound together because it was constantly slowing down in speed and thus pitch and whatnot. The video is edited to actually lengthen the spin time. The globe only span for about a quarter of the on-screen spin time.


Overall, the video fulfils the brief nicely. Something round = the globe. As well as the structure of the video (comes ‘full circle’).

Round World Globe from Ella Thompson on Vimeo.

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