I’d just like to mention something I keep forgetting to talk about in my posts about the lectures. This post, however, is about all of my subjects’ lectures.
More than once in a lecture, I’ve had the sense of being suddenly and overwhelmingly aware of all of the amazing people around me. I sit there, and I realise that the room is full of extraordinary minds. I sit there, and I am immediately humbled to be surrounded by such people. All of these people are interested – if not passionate – about some part of media and communication. Many of them will want to work in film. Like me. I don’t think I had ever met anyone else who wanted to do the same as me before I entered university. Now I am surrounded by them. We are all being moulded to be good at what we want to do. Together. In this room. This sudden realisation of how extraordinary and how fascinating each and every student in that lecture theatre is catches me off-guard. The scene is ordinary. The lecturer is talking. Students are lazily scribbling down or typing up notes. The lecture theatre is, in large part, quiet. Comfortable. Still. And I am hit with this hyper-awareness of everyone surrounding me. Every individual. Every mind. I literally sit in awe. I am overwhelmingly humbled to be a part of it all.