© 2013 ellathompson


Yeah. The image above is there coz it’s cool. We don’t need another reason.


In this week’s lecture, Adrian also discussed databases. Unfortunately, I have become awful at note-taking so I can’t remember what exactly he said about databases. This week’s reading also examines databases.

Well, if everyone is talking about databases, I guess I will too.

My father is building a website that provides market size and market location data for small businesses. More than 136 million pieces of data in 46 databases. It’s a hell of a lot of data.

The website is called DataBoss. Here’s a link if you wanna check it out – http://www.databoss.com.au/

There are demographics like income by age by gender, family size, mortgage and rent payments by type of dwelling, incidence of SMSF, incidence of chronic ailments by age and gender, liquor spend by hotel and stand-alone bottle shop by type of liquor, pharmaceutical spend, dental spend etc. It has more than a million business addresses with contact details, plus every school, social, sporting and service club, cultural group and community organisation – any group with a newsletter for local advertising and sponsorship – all mapped in crazy fantastic ways.

In Australia there are 55,000 SA1 regions, each of about 200 dwellings, in 2,600 postcodes – which are all mapped in the website. So, businesses have the research already done for them. It is there so that businesses can make decisions on location, staffing, forecasting, marketing, sponsorship and so on.

There are literally shit-tons of data in this website.

If you wanna talk databases, he knows databases.



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