Media analysis and commentary

Tag film 3 reflection

Lets Shoot This Sh*t

Everything I have learnt this semester, all my training, my lessons, has led me to this moment. On Saturday I shoot my final Film 3 project. The lead up to this shoot has been a bizarre hopscotch of time passing… Continue Reading →

Booo Reality

As always, pesky reality has interfered with my glorious artistic vision. After everyones pitches were made I paired up with Jaime as we seemed to share similar visions and ideas, as well as having compatible interests for this project. While… Continue Reading →

Film 3 Project Pitch

Three things led me to my pitch for my final Film 3 project. Firstly, the thing that sparked my interest and led me into digging up the next two, was this: My time in the Film 3 course has led… Continue Reading →

The Sense8 Switch

During the course of Film 3, my eyes have been opened to so many film techniques that I have been itching to try, and when we were told to pick a technique to investigate with a group on Friday I… Continue Reading →

Lighting, Camera, ACTION

Staring at footage from past projects of mine and then comparing it to the quick shots taken in our last class, I can already see the obvious improvement, I can’t wait to see how even this will compare to footage… Continue Reading →

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