Todays lectorial asked us to consider a particular statement and just write our initial responses. Here is mine: Innovation and progress are hindered by scientific regulation Well, duh. There is no limit to what we could learn if we didn’t… Continue Reading →
As I (and plenty of other people) have mentioned before, theres no such thing as an original idea. Its something I’ve been conscious of for a while, and by no means a bad thing. When I first came across this… Continue Reading →
This week has no real revelations to share. It has been a week of little things that all add up. Organising timelines, writing a rough script, editing trials. Our workshop involved showing each other what we’d come up with. The… Continue Reading →
Did you know every face we see in our dreams is one we’ve seen before? Our brains are incapable of creating a new face while were dreaming so it uses the faces of our friends, people we’ve seen on tv,… Continue Reading →
I’d heard from classmates how difficult ‘institutions’ were to define so I was really hoping this lecture would clear things up for me. In some ways it did, in others… not so much. Once Brian went through some examples and… Continue Reading →
This weeks workshop was the last day of the ‘conceptual’ stage of our project on Media Audiences. We’ve made mind maps, we’ve brainstormed, we’ve come up with our concept and we have a rough draft which we presented to the… Continue Reading →
Everyones done them, and now this week we are given ours in turn. No matter who you get put with you have to deal, even if your partner is the most lazy, unintelligent, rude slacker in the class. Lucky for… Continue Reading →
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