I nearly killed my succulent: the checklist of being a millennial

I nearly killed my succulent: the checklist of being a millennial

I was reading a fashion magazine that I picked up at the RMIT Global Fair today and I found it particularly interesting about the ways…

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Me, At Nineteen. (PB2)

Me, At Nineteen. (PB2)

    I have always been a believer in consistency; one could say that it is a core factor in my life. This is something…

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Inserted above is my haiku video. I really enjoyed playing around with the different mediums on premiere pro, although I wish I picked a better…

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"Wait, So How do I add a Title?" (A Crash Course in Premiere)

“Wait, So How do I add a Title?” (A Crash Course in Premiere)

Premiere Pro will be the death of me. Apart from clicking on some random button yesterday and loosing ALL THIRTY SECONDS of my Project Brief…

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