For our second peer critique, we analyzed work by Alyssa and Rob – both different themes (Rob was a film and Alyssa’s was a piece…

Week Five has been the start of our peer reviews, which is slightly nauseating because we not only have to give feedback (trying to phrase…

https://www.mediafactory.org.au/elizabeth-maidment/2018/07/23/week-two-reflection/ https://www.mediafactory.org.au/elizabeth-maidment/2018/08/01/week-three-reflection/ https://www.mediafactory.org.au/elizabeth-maidment/2018/08/06/week-four-reflection/

After watching City of Gold in last week’s afternoon class, we read some of Jonathan Gold’s work and discussed what makes him such a good writer….

Upon Week Three, we have been discussing our profile for our second assignment – I’ve chosen Johnathan Gold (luckily for me, we’re actually watching his…