I find it very challenging to give feedback, so I found it incredibly interesting to critique someone else’s work. We used the De Bono “Thinking…

When you hear the word ‘literacy’ the first thing that springs to mind (for me, anyway) is books! I have loved reading since I was…

I found week three’s reading to be particularly interesting because it was media within media. The way the reading is set out this week is in…

On Friday the 3rd I went to the David Hockney Exhibition at the NGV. Although I have been an avid lover of art and…

COPYRIGHT AND IP: WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT? licensed under public domain: Adobe Stock The act of copyright allows people to have protection…

My whole photography and media career, I have been taught to edit. Whether this be editing photos or videos before they are put up on…

“Making Media Studies”, our reading for this week was both challenging and expansive. Media Studies is something that is particularly hard to define, as is…

Personally, I have been running my own lifestyle blog for almost two years now, so blogging is something that I thoroughly enjoy (although it has…