Day Five.
Documentation Criteria
Produce a blog entry of 250-500 words that addresses the following questions:
What? Describe the types of online media practices you engaged with and produced today. This many include (what you listened to, watched and created online). Write this description as if you are explaining to someone step by step what you did. Explain what you did like for instance if you added a video to YouTube. What was the content of the video? This part sets up the context for the next two questions.
How? This part focuses on the authoring, publishing and distributing part of your activity. For instance, if you are adding a photo to Instagram – What did you take the photo with (what type of camera)?, How did you author the content then publish it to that service? How did you distribute the content you added? Did you link it to other social media services like Facebook, or a blog, for example.
Why? This part concentrates on the question ‘What do I do with online media?’ For example, why did you post a photo to Facebook? Was it because you wanted to show family and friends what you were doing that day at that particular time? Another example – Why did you watch a particular video on YouTube? Was it for entertainment purposes or to learn something?
Media Usage Overview
- Facebook Messenger
- Spotify
- Blackboard
- Premiere Pro
- WordPress (my own personal blog)
- My Media Factory Blog (Media 1 + Networking Media)
- VSCO Camera
- Snapchat
- Gmail
- Uber
- Youtube
- Netflix
Focus On: Spotify + Music Streaming Services
What and How? I use Spotify on a daily basis as my streaming service, I listen to a lot of different music (indie, pop, mainstream etc.) and I have many different playlists for my mood. For example, I have been listening to the “Peaceful Pop” playlist that is curated by Spotify.
I chose Spotify not only because of the price (I am on a family package) but for the large amount of music. I did have Apple Music for a little while, but I also prefer that Spotify has smaller artists rather than mainstream ones. I enjoy listening to mainstream artists and smaller artists as they have a unique and individual style – I also love covers of songs, hence why I decided to stick with Spotify rather than Apple Music.
Why? Streaming Services such as Spotify and Apple Music have become popular in recent years, I believe, due to the widely access to music. I use my music when I am working, going to the gym, walking around Melbourne – I am listening to music a lot of the time. I think Spotify appeals to the mass service that people desire; both mainstream and smaller artists, smaller pay fee (eg: you don’t have to buy individual albums, you can pick and choose the songs you want).
This is a good entry as it explains why you use it and the various ways you engage with the app from curated playlists to song covers.