Feedback: Project 3

During today’s tutorial we viewed everyone else’s portraits (project 3). Like the previous projects, it was quite nerve-wracking showing my work to everyone else but also very interesting to see everyone else’s work. We were put into smaller groups and were to give feedback on our group members projects.

In my group was Kelsey McGowan and Amalina Youssoff who both did great jobs at their project brief 3. Below is Kelsey’s portrait which was quite unique. It was a portrait of a friend of hers who was talking about her dream. It is hard to tell but her friend is German and in the background was dialogue of her friend telling her dream but in German. I thought this was an interesting touch, however was quite subtle which worked really well, as you wouldn’t pick up on it unless you were told about it. Kelsey is quite good at using Adobe After Effects so she was able to include her found footage on her friends face. I really really liked this element of the video and was very unique as no one else did anything like it in their films, which shows the skill she possesses. Go on, have a watch:

(video source:

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