
We got introduced to our new interface design software today, Korsakow. It is a German program that allows the designer to create documentaries that may be viewed on the internet, but that involves user interaction and allows them to have control over their viewing of the doc (kinda like “choose your own adventure”.. But NOT, we were told it is NOT that at all). It looks completely different to an form of digital technology that I’ve worked with before (and ill admit, pretty confusing) but I’m excited to learn some new things and hopefully create a very unique new form of I-documentary. Sometimes I find learning new technology really challenging, so I hope in doing this course, I develop some skills with some new forms of media production and also end up coming up with some good problem-solving strategies for when things become difficult.

We will be designing the interface to engage users and motivate them to continue to keep viewing the documentary. So here’s the big question… I wonder how we can engage and motivate users to watch something about cycling in Melbourne? Do we need each video to be rewarding? To have continuity? Or would it work better with the software if they were self-contained videos that were all interrelated… Hmm need to play around to work it all out… For me personally, I believe that users want to be rewarded for what they are seeing. Like watching a television show, the show will always cut to an add break to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat and to engage with them enough that they continue to keep watching. I think my group has decided on user demographic being female, adolesent Melbournians. There’s a lot to think about, but I would we have to remember that an online digital product is very different to a traditional documentary.

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