The beginning of Post Production

This was a quick rough draft we presented to Rachel for brief 4. Jack and I worked really hard to write a script, film and audio record the past couple of days and we’re pretty have with the progress of our work. In saying that we realised there are a few elements to be tweaked if we are to present the best work we possibly can. An example of this is that we thought that it might be a good idea to re-film my segments with a lapel mic in order to cut out the atmospheric sound that accompanied my dialogue. Rachel seemed to echo this idea and also suggested that we re-write, re-film and re-record the ending of our video for it to represent the conversation surround the classification board with more clarity and truthfulness. It will add more work to our plates, but we’re happy to try and live up to the challenge to do the best work that we can. Looks like it’ll be a Filming-Friday tomorrow…..

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