Week 11: Thursday Class (Project 4 Editing)

Working mostly in the editing suites in class today provided several opportunities to recalibrate individual ideas, exchange feedback with peers, and organise / delegate tasks for our upcoming final exhibition at Signal and RMIT.

Working in the Building 9 basement, the majority of the tutorial was spent individually honing our short films and discussing Exhibition roles and tasks for the week ahead. As a group member responsible for the PR, I have spent much of this week creating and maintaining our Facebook event page for the Signal exhibition. Discussing further details with Rose and Siobhan, I was also delegated the task of writing copy for our Signal Exhibition website in order to explain our overarching conceptual approaches.

Collaborating in this way has been quite an interesting process, as the majority of the group work is done individually online, with class time being more about editing and delegating work. This contradicts some preconceptions of “uni group work” as there is a significant amount of autonomy in performing the tasks online, which I think is quite reflective of current professional practices in the arts community.

Additional developments regarding my own films included colour grading and applying the films to Jordan’s template for Signal. Resizing the footage and editing the aesthetics of it is arguably one of the most enjoyable parts of the editing process for me, as it is often the time in which my ideas are most viscerally realised through manipulating the aesthetic properties of the artwork. For example, despite having originally been quite pulled towards a darker, Bill Henson / chiaroscuro sensibility, my footage and recognition of Signal’s projections (which occur at night) led me to take on a more white washed, bright / clinical aesthetic. Having accounted for these Site specific limitations during filming (which was done in a bright room against a marble tile backdrop), the colour grading process was quite easy, though more focused on qualities like: brightness, RGB curves, and Tri-colour editing.

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