Tute Notes – Week 5

Audience is very specific or individualised, or so I thought. We touched on audience interpretation vs. Audience experience. We already know that the experience between two people viewing one K film will be different


It’s a list of all the girl’s activities and thoughts.
The text provides an interesting spiel on the objects rather than a description. (Suggestive)
It has a flow, it lacks causal links and lacks story.
Music aids the flow (looped). Stops and starts in a jarring manner.
Music adds a whole different layer
The composition is balanced and consistent.
Avoid a scattered composition to avoid confusion and distractions.

Categories: Sketches, food, night, domestic, outside, suburbia
These are called clusters.

Overlap between clusters. Clusters can be grouped with aesthetic and content.
Clusters are the fundamental way of structuring K-Films.
Keywords link clusters.
Interface editor
Composition is consistent
