Look at this fine Melbourne morning. This is the view from my bus stop. While it looks nice it’s hella windy. It’s been like this…

So welcome back Brian Morris. The set up to the lecture looked like a Comic Con panel. Which was pretty baller. I appreciated that each…

Soooooo I got this game on Steam. It’s called Spelunky. What the game is is that you’re an Indiana Jones type cage dweller armed with…

So I’ve read one of the readings and what I’ve gathered so far is that humans are smart. We’ve been advancing and exponential rates. Back…

So I rocked up to the lecture late. There were no seats so I sat my butt down on the top step right by the…

Sooooo holy crap. This week’s tute super exploded my mind in so many ways. First of all I’d like to say that I am super…

The two readings were super enjoyable and not as confusing as last weeks. I think the notion of Design Fiction is a radical thang. You…

This weeks unlecture was differently structured to last weeks. We opened with writing a question on a sheet of paper. I couldn’t think of one…

So I went to the cinemas a few times during the holidays which have just passed and decided to drop a double review of the…
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