This was my second time round during the Room With A View radio programme and safe to say this time felt like it went a lot smoother than the first. Not that I failed my first attempt, I didn’t, but I was given an opportunity to go on 3RRR and I relished the opportunity again.
Starting out our group seemed to have a lot of really solid ideas going forward and after some time, we finally settled on three terrific interviews where the show seemed to have a somewhat clear theme. Obviously, Community plays a huge role in 3RRR so we tried to ensure that all our interviews played into that idea of community. We interviewed Women’s Longboard champion, Emma Webb, to discuss sexism in female surfing and AFL Victoria’s Female Development Manager, Chyloe Kurdas, on the future of Women’s AFL. Following those two face-to-face interviews, we had a phone interview with Dean Cohen, the Founder and Coordinator of The Best Bunch, an awesome business that supplies employment opportunities for people with disabilities to make and deliver floral arrangements.
I believe all of these interviews went fantastically and we really allowed ourselves enough time to process each question and build upon that, without getting too far off track and going on a tangent. I was very happy with how Kerri and myself quickly thought on our feet during one of the interviews when we were out of questions but stayed calm and took turns engaging and continuing the conversation. Jack on the panels did an excellent job as well and we were a really solid team in giving visual cues in tandem with the Run Sheet to make sure everyone was on the same page.
The only trouble we ran into during our hour happened during the first 15 minutes. At some stage during the first half of the shower lightening hit the radio tower and if you were listening to the radio then apparently Gold 104.3 would be coming through the speakers. Luckily we are aware that anyone listening online was unaffected and the show managed to record everything to ensure we could play back the entire episode unimpeded. Unfortunately for anyone listening via radio but I was happy Daina our producer kept this information to herself until the end, otherwise Kerri, Jack and myself might not have been so calm throughout the rest of the episode.
Overall I think we had a very successful show and things ran very smoothly from the start. I personally found all the interviews and segments interesting and think they fitted in well with the 3RRR community ideals. I think our teamwork and preparation for the show can be reflected and heard throughout much of the show, the outcome of which I am very happy with.