This post is not a post to start a political agenda on this blog, particular with tension rising in Syria and the U.S possibly planning a strike on Syria due allegedly using chemical weapons. This is just a running thought on the use of drones and the impact it may have on ones psyche.
What if you could have a war and your countries soldiers didn’t have to die? what if you could make precise, controlled attacks? sounds great right? (well as good as a war can get really since it is literally the worst thing mankind could ever do)
Well drone strikes were meant to be the answer to these problems. However, how much better are they?
Since 2004 there have been roughly 360 drone strikes in pakistan alone. With roughly more than 3000 people killed over these strikes and Allied soldiers not having to carry out these strikes seems like a solid trade-off.
Well in my opinion, No.
Is it a possibility that because of these strikes actually more Allied soldiers have died in retaliation to these strikes? Sure no actual soldiers had to carry out the mission but whose to say that retaliation wasn’t out of anger from the drone strikes?
286 Civilians were killed
More than 175 of them were children.
Wouldn’t a soldier on the ground be able to tell the difference between a child and a target? My issue isn’t with the programme itself but more the detached nature of the programme were it is a soldier, sitting miles and miles away, looking at a screen of “targets” based off intelligence he has seen and heat signatures on his screen.
What is the price of an innocent bystander? Who knows, it just got me thinking this week.
Let us know what you think below.