Walking along the trek of dirtied concrete footpath, made muddy from the extended construction in the area and the openness of the terrain, I could always water. The sounds of hard-tools and hard-boots trampling through the area would be usually be enough to block out the loudest of noises, but the small river flowing beside me persisted throughout my walk, although hidden by the copious amount of shrubbery surrounding it. The soft light of the sky that had yet to open up, combined with the trickling drops of the slow flowing water provided some comfort in an otherwise cluttered environment, where no other sense of peace was to be found.
Observational Piece #1 – Water
Categories2016 Semester 2 Observations

I was raised as a lover of films, becoming enamoured with worlds presented on the silver screen in 'Star Wars' and 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' before I had even entered Kindergarten. This is what first got me interested in pursuing media studies, but I hope to expand my knowledge beyond film through what RMIT can teach me.
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