Operation Media

Stay Classy, Melbourne

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How do we know whether a film is a documentary? A documentary usually comes labelled as such. The filmmakers may also tell us through publicity, and press coverage reinforces the message as well. In turn, the labeling of something as… Continue Reading →

Media 1 Project #4 Draft #1

Following more research, my group and I decided to focus on ‘remixing’ itself in texts, rather than advertising, as we can incorporate a number of mediums and formats. We set to work on find material to mash-up and created voice… Continue Reading →

Project #4 Experimentation

Following heavy brainstorming and discussions about our project based around the topic ‘texts’ in our first few meetings, my group for this assessment first decided to focus on advertising, and how these ‘texts’ show meaning and influence audiences. We planned… Continue Reading →

Daniel Day-Lewis

I thought I would take the time to discuss a brilliant actor and his achievements before I embark in watching a number of his films. In my last cinema studies screening, we watched Martin Scorsese’s Age of Innocence. The film… Continue Reading →

Week #9 Reading

In one of this week’s readings (Jay Rosen (2006),’The People Formerly Known as the Audience’, PressThink blog, June 27), I was introduced to the idea that the audience of media texts have developed over time and are now not an… Continue Reading →

Week 8 Practical

In the week 8 practical, groups began to brainstorm and research each of their individual topics further and discuss possible ways to creatively produce media regarding this. As I have been given the topic ‘texts’, I began assembling references to… Continue Reading →

Lecture 8 Reflection

In this lecture we were taught about narrative and the pervasiveness of story. It was opened with a clip of the Princess Bride and an explanation of how we apply the lessons we learn early in our lives to later… Continue Reading →


Narrative is an extremely important concept in cinema studies and is present in almost all lengthy movies, so what is it? Narrative can be considered to be a chain of events linked by cause and effect and occurring in time… Continue Reading →

Richard the Lionheart

Many things have been learnt from this Assessment, in which the students of Media 1 were expected to create a 2 minuted edited sequence of footage(both found and recorded) in the form of a self-portrait of someone we knew. My… Continue Reading →


In today’s lecture(week 6) we were given insight into the importance of collaboration in both media and the rest of the workforce. Employers are saying teamwork is one of the major things they are looking for in graduates. They need… Continue Reading →

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