I produced a number of original media components which may contribute to a creative self-portrait, mainly relating to things which may describe or portray me. These included 4 photographic images, 2 audio recordings and 2 pieces of video. Below I have listed each and what I tried to achieve with them in displaying a self-portrait.
- Basketball image: This displays my love of basketball and sport as a whole, characterising a person as sporty/athletic.
- Book image: This may show the enjoyment of reading, and in particular the interest of fantasy genre. A number of presumptions could be made from this, as to the imagination of the reader or their literacy.
- Family image: The image of my mother and two brothers may represent the meaning of family and caring nature of the self-portrait. The smiling faces may incite feelings of happiness.
- Movies image: The range of movies may show the openness of the self-portrait, and characterise someone as enjoying a relaxed pastime in watching movies.
- With the two audio pieces, I seeked to show the enjoyment of outdoors and being active in my life. Whether it be walking in the city, or camping with friends. The outdoor nature elicits a calming picture, while the city noise generates a busy and active lifestyle.
- The two videos of my pet dog and of the NBA on T.V display my aspirations of getting involved in the media in relation to sport, and my enjoyment of animals in my life.
The generated media components can be seen below.
Audio Player Audio Player
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