Well this is awkward, I didn’t actually answer the question asking to outline my goals and desires at the start of semester since I was on holiday and didn’t quite get around to it. But anyway, this course feels like it’s gone by in one massive blur. Starting the course about three weeks late, I was expecting much of the same as Film TV 1 except with the substitution of documentary for drama film, and in many ways it was. But at the same time, I learned a lot interesting stuff that comes with filming real life as opposed to a fictional or constructed world. Stuff like various forms of documentary, how to deal with participants, and different approaches to vox pops and interviews. Putting together our documentary has been a lot of fun (I’ve been blessed with having a really hard-working group once again) and it’s also been really cool seeing other groups’ works progress. All in all, I feel like I’ve drawn a lot from this semester, despite admittedly falling behind on lecture attendance, readings and some of the analysis and reflection tasks (eek!). Definitely looking forward to the screening this Friday and seeing everyone’s work on show!